Mar 2024

The European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health welcomes the EPP’s call for a ‘European Cardiovascular Health Plan’.

Brussels 14 March 2024: The European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health (EACH) welcomes the recent announcement by the European People’s Party to include a ‘European Cardiovascular Health Plan’ as a core component of their electoral manifesto. This historic step answers the urgent need for comprehensive action to address Europe’s health crisis and tackle its leading cause […]

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Nov 2023

Vote Cardiovascular Health 2024

Dear Members of the European Parliament, the European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health (EACH) invites you to mark your calendars for the “Vote Cardiovascular Health 2024” exhibition. The exhibition will be hosted by MEP Elżbieta Łukacijewska (PL, EPP) and MEP Radka Maxová (CZ, S&D), both long-time supporters of cardiovascular health in the European Union. It will […]

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Nov 2022

Taking the pulse: A Cardiovascular Health plan for Europe

Join us in this milestone event in the European Parliament, on Thursday 17 November from 15:00 to 17:00 CET, hosted by MEP Tomislav Sokol. The event is an opportunity to discuss how the EU can act to improve cardiovascular health for all, the 60 million people in Europe suffering from the cardiovascular disease today, and […]

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Sep 2022

World Heart Day acts as a milestone to remind the EU of the huge inequalities in cardiovascular health and the need for strong political will to tackle them.

On World Heart Day, the European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health reminds the EU that cardiovascular health can only be realised if coordinated policies are developed within and between countries in the EU. Cardiovascular health is the heart of the matter if we are to live longer and healthier lives.   World Heart Day acts as […]

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Jul 2022

EACH welcomes the EU Roadmap on non-communicable diseases

EACH Welcomes the EU Healthier Together Roadmap to tackle non-communicable diseases, particularly with regard to promoting cardiovascular health in Europe. Read the EACH contribution to the launch consultation submitted to the European Commission DG Santé in April 2022.

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May 2022

EACH Plan for Cardiovascular Health Launched

The European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health (EACH) revealed its Cardiovascular Health (CVH) Plan for Europe during a high-level policy meeting on May 16, 2022. The plan will reduce premature and preventable deaths in Europe and improve access to high-quality cardiovascular risk assessment and multidisciplinary care pathways for all, paving the way to a better quality […]

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Mar 2022

The European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health stands in solidarity with Ukraine and calls for continuity of care and protection of the most vulnerable.

The European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health adds its voice to that of its partners in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. We are deeply saddened by the invasion of Ukraine and call to the parties involved in the war for an immediate cessation of all hostilities and a peaceful resolution. We are extremely concerned about […]

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Jan 2022

EACH welcomes the EU Roadmap on NCDs initiative

The European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health welcomes the ambitious initiative of the European Commission to support Member States in the fight against the high prevalence of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, their causes and consequences, and to address health determinants more generally.

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Jan 2022

Joint Statement on Cancer CVD Comorbidities endorsed by EACH

Cancer and cardiovascular disease are closely linked. Cardiovascular disease is the most frequent side effect of cancer treatment, due to cardiotoxicity, which refers to toxic effects of cancer treatme

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Oct 2021

EACH welcomes the EU Commission EU4Health programme

The European Cardiovascular Health Alliance, which brings together the leading health organisations with an interest to promote policy action and investment  to improve the cardiovascular health of European citizens, strongly welcomes the EU Commission’s EU4Health programme.

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